
Science|Business: “Warsaw hub aims for ‘lighthouse role’ in AI energy efficiency”

Director of the ELLIS Unit Warsaw, Prof. Tomasz Trzciński talked with Anna Rzhevkina – editor of the Science|Business portal, and a result of this conversation is an article where you can read about the research profile of our unit in Warsaw.

R-GRID: Artificial intelligence for the security of power grids – supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme

R-GRID: Artificial intelligence for the security of power grids – supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme

The main goal of the R-GRID project is to create an artificial intelligence tool to protect power grid systems.
The project addresses one of the priorities for cooperation identified in 2023 by the NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Scientific and Environmental Cooperation, which aims to provide solutions to Ukraine’s current and upcoming needs. The project consortium consists of: the Polish Association for National Security, the Ukrainian Institute for the Future, IDEAS NCBR and Laurea University of Applied Sciences from Finland.

Twardowski and Adamczewski

Bartłomiej Twardowski and Kamil Adamczewski join ELLIS Society

18.01.2024 Two more IDEAS NCBR researchers joined the elite association of experts in the field of artificial intelligence. Congratulations! Dr. Bartłomiej Twardowski is a research team leader at the IDEAS NCBR research institute and a researcher at the Computer Vision Center, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He earned his Ph.D. in 2018, specializing in recommender systems…

Krzysztof Walas

Krzysztof Walas joins ELLIS Society

07.02.2024 Krzysztof Walas, leader of the “Physical Interaction Robotics” research team at IDEAS NCBR, has become a member of the ELLIS Society, an elite association of experts in the field of artificial intelligence. Congratulations! Krzysztof Walas graduated from Poznan University of Technology (PUT) in Poland, obtaining an MSc in Automatic Control and Robotics. He received…